It was the right thing to do.
I was getting hurt.
We may be hurt,
But it’s ok.
We will be alright.
We both cried.
It was you or me.
You abused me.
You blackmailed me.
If you want me back you have to change.
I know you didn’t know it.
You need help.
I moved on.
Please do the same.
You don’t want to let me go,
But you gotta know.
I moved on.
It’s time to let go.
Please know that I will forever love you,
And maybe one day.
We could be together again,
But for now you gotta let go.
Move on.
It’s hard!
I know.
It was hard for me to let go,
But I know it was the right thing to do.
I will be back again someday.
For now let’s go our separate ways.
Can we still be friends?
I could never let you go completely.
I am always here.
And I will forever love you.
by : oddie :)
by : oddie :)